News & Research

Below you will find recent public polls conducted and published by EMRS.

To take part in future research, please sign up to our Community Engagement Panel.

Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 14th to the 21st of August 2024. 1,000 registered Tasmanian adult voters were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian voting population…

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 16th to the 23rd of May 2024. 1,000 registered Tasmanian adult voters were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian voting population…

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 15th to the 21st of February 2024. 1,000 registered Tasmanian voters were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian voting population…

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 20th to the 27th of November 2023. 1,000 registered Tasmanian voters were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian voting population…

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 15th to the 21st of August 2023. 1,000 adult Tasmanian residents were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian adult voting population…

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Administrator Administrator

TasTalks – Cost of Living Survey Quarter 4 2022

The results from EMRS’ most recent TasTalks Cost of Living Survey conducted in July show that Tasmanians have had cause to retain a pessimistic view of the economic outlook ahead. Three in four believe that Australia will enter a recession in the next three months.

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 15th to the 19th of May 2023. 1,000 adult Tasmanian residents were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian adult voting population…

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Chase Howell Chase Howell

EMRS State Voting Intentions Poll

Polling was conducted from the 14th to the 19th of February 2023. 1,000 adult Tasmanian residents were interviewed and responses weighted to reflect the Tasmanian…

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